
Showing posts from April, 2014

Customize folders with different colors in Windows

There are many softwares available today over the internet which can  Customize  your Computer   in an efficient manner that it looks so attractive as well as it becomes very easy to use. We always want our computer to be clean and well organized so that whenever we need to access something or need to search a particular file/folder in our computer we could find it easily. As similar to that, here I am going to share a software through which you can easily assign your favorite colors to your desired folders  in order to differentiate them easily and to ease of access. How do i Customize folders with different colors ? Just follow the two  simple steps  given below to customize your folder : Step 1 : First of all  Download and install   the software  FolderColorizer. It is tested and 100% virus free. You can download it from here :

UsE Keyboard As MoUse

Recently My Mouse Stopped Working because of Drivers got Currupted, Device Drivers Getting Currupted in Windows May not be the Common Problem, But Can happen anytime with you, Due to this Problem i was not able to use my mouse. I Tried every possible Solution like uninstalling drivers and restarting my PC. Unplugging and then pluging in my mouse back, and yeah Searched internet too, Since i was not able to use my mouse, i had to Use Keyboard as Mouse While Finding for solution to this Problem. Guess What ? Nothing Helped and Had to  Refresh  my  Windows 8 , But Hey, Everything happens for good. Thankfully I knew  how to  Use Keyboard as Mouse flawlessly. Well this was just my Reason, at times there are situations where you may need to Substitute your mouse with Keyboard. So today in this tutorial we will Learn to Use Keyboard as  Mouse In Windows. How to Use Keyboard as Mouse in Windows Windows OS has an Inbuilt option Called M...

Find lost Smartphone using Google’s Android Device Manager

f you are  unable to Find lost Smartphone and you haven’t loaded any app into your smartphone then you need not to worry as there is one method using which we can find your lost  Android smartphone  and that is by using Google’s  Android Device Manager. If your phone is stolen or you have misplaced it anywhere in your home you can use Google’s Android DeviceManger to find it. All the Android smartphones come with  Google Play  installed in it. When you use Google Play  for the first time  on yourAndroid smartphone or even on your tablet, Google installs Android device manager in your smartphone or tablet without your knowledge. How to Activate Android Device Manager Follow the steps below to activate Android device manager on your smartphone or tablet.  Go to Settings  Then move to Security  Then move to Device Administrators You will see some apps there and the fi...

How to Schedule SMS & Social Messages WitH SChemes .!

Social media  has become an  integral  part of everyone’s life and so has changed the way of expressing our thoughts. The generation believes in everything that is readily available and in our case, it is the technology that you need right on your fingertips. It is not just the friend circle conversely  the business world too revolves around the social media. One needs to be productive all the time and on the web;  productivity  is all about right  scheduling  and  time management . This is where Schemes aims to address. What is Schemes ? Schemes  is a simple  android application  that allows you to schedule your messages via  Facebook, Twitter, Email (for Gmail only) and SMS . Whether you need to send that birthday text to your Facebook friend exactly at twelve midnight, Tweet about something exciting that you came across, make Facebook status updates, or send that important business mail during the odd hour...

TiPs t0 Identify FakE Faceb0ok ACcount Eas!ly

Fake Facebook Accounts is Proving out to be a new Trend on Facebook. Probably 20-30% of total Facebook Accounts are fake or even more, This Number is Anticipated to be Increasing in Future. Fake accounts on Facebook are  mainly Created with an intention to Spam all over Facebook and Spread Virus. Many people Create Fake Girl’s Profiles to Dupe Some innocent Fb Users too. Its Sad that  Facebook  Can’t Identify Fake Facebook Account and Delete them all Manully,and One Should not expect it from Facebook because of obvious Reasons. But yes they will Definately Block your account if you send lots of Friend requests to Unknown People and if you post or Comment Spammy Links over and over again. Facebook Catches you and then next time when you try to Login again, it asks you to Identify Photos of Friends, This is where Fake Account Users Get Caught. But This Don’t Stop Spammers to Create another Fake Facebook account, So in this article we will Discuss Some Tips tha...

Kn0w Your IntErneT br0wsEr sh0rtcUts

There are dozens of different shortcut keys that can be used with Internet browsers. Below are a few of our top suggested Internet browser shortcuts. - Pressing  Alt + D  in any major Internet browser will move the cursor into the address bar. This is a great way to quickly enter an Internet address without having to click the mouse cursor in the address bar. - Hold down the  Ctrl key and press the + or -  to increase and decrease the size of text. - Press the  backspace key  or hold down the  Alt key + left arrow  to go back a page. - Press  F5  to refresh or reload a web page. - Press  F11  to make the Internet browser screen full screen. Press F11 again to return back to the normal view. - Press  Ctrl + B  to open your Internet bookmarks. - Press  Ctrl + F  to open the find box in the browser to search for text within the web page you're looking at. Mozilla Firefox shortcut keys Below is a li...